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What We Do

A volunteer in Zambia rests against her motorbike

What we do

Mary's Meals is a global charity providing life-changing meals to some of the world’s poorest children.

Tackling world hunger using a simple idea

Mary’s Meals is a global movement of people playing their part in tackling world hunger using a simple idea. By setting up school feeding programmes in partnership with some of the world's poorest communities, Mary’s Meals helps to encourage children into the classroom – and gives them the energy to concentrate on lessons – so they can gain an education that can help them work towards a brighter future.

We see first-hand, all over the world, how the promise of a daily meal in school can be truly life-changing for the world’s poorest children. When a child no longer has to worry about how to find their next meal, they are free to learn, grow, and achieve their potential: food changes the story.

We believe that everyone can contribute to our mission, and we encourage those who share our vision to offer their time, money, skills, or prayers to reach out in love to those experiencing the effects of extreme poverty.

Nearly every part of our work depends on dedicated volunteers: both those who help us to deliver school feeding in their own communities and those who raise awareness of our mission to help grow the movement and feed more children.

We partner with local communities and places of education to deliver our school feeding programme. Our meals are cooked and served by community volunteers and, wherever possible, are made using locally produced food, thereby supporting the local economy. 

Together, we are helping to transform the lives of children in desperate need.

It costs just £19.15 to feed a child for a whole school year

Please give what you can